;SHRINE TEXT ; Chaos Shrine - Health Chaos Shrine - Mana Chaos Shrine - Silver Armor Chaos Shrine - Reflection Chaos Shrine - Powerup Chaos Shrine - Gold Armor Chaos Shrine - Blade Chaos Shrine - Ghost *** Mana Shrine Health Shrine Silver Armor Shrine Light of the Seraph Shrine Power Shrine Blade Shrine Ghost Shrine Reflection Shrine Lungs of the Ssithra Shrine Gold Armor Shrine *** ; ; AQUIRING ITEMS TEXT ; ; The HELLSTAFF. The FORCE BLAST spell. The STORM BOW. The SPHERE OF ANNIHILATION spell. The PHOENIX BOW. The IRON DOOM spell. The FIRE WALL spell. The TOME is yours. The RING OF REPULSION defensive spell. The SHIELD defensive spell. The TELEPORT defensive spell. The MORPH OVUM defensive spell. The METEOR BARRIER defensive spell. OFFENSIVE MANA, small. OFFENSIVE MANA, big. DEFENSIVE MANA, small. DEFENSIVE MANA, big. COMBO MANA, small. COMBO MANA, big. STORM ARROWS. PHOENIX ARROWS. HELLORB. HEALTH VIAL. HEALTH POTION. You found a TOWN KEY. The COG puzzle piece is yours. The SHIELD puzzle piece. The POTION puzzle piece is yours. You aquired the CONTAINER puzzle piece. The CONTAINER is now full. You just got the CRYSTAL puzzle piece. The CANYON KEY puzzle piece is yours. You aquired the AMULET puzzle piece. You got the SPEAR puzzle piece. You found the GEM puzzle piece. A MINE CART WHEEL. UNREFINED ORE. The ORE has been REFINED. You found a DUNGEON KEY. A FORTRESS KEY. You found a KEY. Hmmmm, the SYMBOL puzzle piece... Ah. I was looking for the TOME puzzle piece... You picked up the TAVERN KEY. ; ; Sorry messages ; You don't know the FLYING FIST spell. Your currently out of the HELLSTAFF. You don't know how to cast FORCE BLAST. You don't have the STORM BOW. You don't have the SPHERE OF ANNIHILATION spell. You don't have the PHOENIX BOW. The IRON DOOM spell is still a mystery. You don't have the FIRE WALL spell. No TOME to use. You haven't learned to cast the RING OF REPULSION. The SHIELD spell is beyond your power. You can't cast TELEPORT yet. The MORPH OVUM spell is beyond you. You have not yet aquired the METEOR BARRIER spell. You need the TOWN KEY. You need the COG. You need the SHIELD. You need the POTION. You need the CONTAINER. You need the FULL CONTAINER. You need the CRYSTAL. You need the CANYON KEY. You need the AMULET. You need the SPEAR. You need the GEM. You need the MINECART WHEEL. You need the ORE. You need the REFINED ORE. You need the DUNGEON KEY. You need the CLOUD KEY. You need the KEY. You need the SYMBOL. You need the TOME. You need the TAVERN KEY. ; ; Misc messages ; This Item is not useable. Run the server with '+set cheats 1' to enable this command. You are out of this item. Sorry, can't switch to this weapon - Out of Mana. Sorry, can't switch to this weapon - Out of Ammo. Sequence completed! 1 more to go... 2 more to go... 3 more to go... 4 more to go... 5 more to go... 6 more to go... 7 more to go... 8 more to go... 9 more to go... 10 more to go... A new OBJECTIVE has been written. ; %1 killed self. %1 died. %1 was killed by %2. %1 has entered the game. ; ; New Client obituary messages. Please DON'T remove the comments for now. Will do so soon! ; %1 was killed by unknown ;GM_OBIT_UNKNOWN %1 killed himself ;GM_OBIT_KILLEDSELF %1 was chopped to hamburger by %2 ;GM_OBIT_STAFF %1 got a good kicking from %2 ;GM_OBIT_KICKED %1 was fireballed by %2 ;GM_OBIT_FIREBALL %1 was missiled by %2 ;GM_OBIT_MMISSILE %1 was annihlated by %2's sphere of annihlation ;GM_OBIT_SPHERE %1 almost avoided %2's sphere of annihlation ;GM_OBIT_SPHERE_SPL %1 annihlated himself ;GM_OBIT_SPHERE_SPL_SELF %1 was ripped up by %2's irondoom ;GM_OBIT_IRONDOOM %1 was incinerated by %2's firewall ;GM_OBIT_FIREWALL %1 's parade was rained on by %2's bad weather ;GM_OBIT_STORM %1 got his goose cooked by %2's phoenix arrow ;GM_OBIT_PHOENIX %1 almost dodged %2's phoenix arrow ;GM_OBIT_PHOENIX_SPL %1 cooked his own goose ;GM_OBIT_PHOENIX_SPL_SELF %1 was sent to hell by %2's hellstaff ;GM_OBIT_HELLSTAFF %1 saw stars from %2's meteors ;GM_OBIT_METEORS %1 felt the power of %2's force ;GM_OBIT_ROR %1 was shocked to death by %2's lightning shield ;GM_OBIT_SHIELD %1 was henpecked by %2 ;GM_OBIT_CHICKEN %1 tried to invade %2's personal space ;GM_OBIT_TELEFRAG %1 drinks like a fish ;GM_OBIT_WATER %1 gulps it down ;GM_OBIT_SLIME %1 took a hot bath in lava ;GM_OBIT_LAVA %1 was mashed to squelchy bits ;GM_OBIT_CRUSH %1 cratered ;GM_OBIT_FALLING %1 couldn't stand life anymore ;GM_OBIT_SUICIDE %1 blew up ;GM_OBIT_BARREL %1 found a way out ;GM_OBIT_EXIT %1 died ;GM_OBIT_DIED %1 bled to death ;GM_OBIT_BLEED %1 was speared ;GM_OBIT_SPEAR ; ; messages used by the tutorial ; Yipee!@You did %d damage to me!@Hit me again!@ Top!@You did %d damage to me!@Hit me again!@ Smashing!@You did %d damage to me!@Hit me again!@ Tallyho!@You did %d damage to me!@Hit me again!@ Fair Play!@You did %d damage to me!@Hit me again!@ Booyah!@You did %d damage to me!@Hit me again!@ Smack!@You did %d damage to me!@Hit me again!@ Oh, thine elbow thou didst bring down upon me!@You did %d damage to me!@ Hit me again!@ That's marvelous!@You did %d damage to me!@Hit me again!@ Rock!@You did %d damage to me!@Hit me again!@ No, no, that's not right, try again!@ Ow! That got me! Bargain! Now try another@ Right on! You have completed all your tests!@You may now beat me about the neck and@beak vigorously at your leisure.@Don't worry, I like it!@ @STAFF SWING:@Simply swing your staff at me and whack me good!@ @SPINNING STAFF SWING:@While running forward, attack with your staff@to knock me right good with a spinning staff attack!@ @POLE VAULT JUMP KICK:@Run at me with the staff readied and jump@to kick me square in the crest!@ @FLYING FIST:@Ready your Flying Fist spell and see if you can hit me!@ G'Day, Mate!@I'm Sir Nate, your whacking bird!@Feel free to practice your attacks upon me!@ Let's get started, shall we?@First, prepare your staff and get ready to pummel@my helpless limp body dangling from this rope which@is so pleasantly chafing my delicate claws!@ Cheers, mate, now shoot the two buttons on the wall@to end the level...